First, let me say that I am a staunch believer that 'the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray.'
Second, I must point out that the PLAN would not actually qualify as 'the best laid plan.'  In fact, the PLAN might better be described as a dream.

Yes, I have retired, and yes, we did spend virtually half of my meager 401k  to make the first phase of the PLAN become reality. And yes, that phase is everything I had hoped it would be.  Phase two, however, is somewhat more of a leap of faith at this point.  Let me elaborate.

We have a seasonal site at a camp ground on Lake Ontario, which is about a 40 minute drive from our home. A couple of years ago we purchased the camper of our dreams (used) and placed it on the seasonal site.

I know tiny house living is all the rage right now, and that may work just fine for the person who lives to spend time outdoors.
Living in a 31 foot camper full time would certainly qualify as tiny home living. The problem with that is we are by no means the 'live outdoors during every waking hour' kind of folks.  We are more the live inside, with access to our TV and all of my craft materials on hand, kind of people. Going outside to enjoy nature is great, but for us, should always be a matter of choice rather than a lifestyle. As for getting all sweaty in pursuit of any activity that can be categorized as exercise, well that just isn't going to happen.
12' X 30' addition

With that in mind, we made the decision to add a room and decks onto the camper!  Of course we needed a contractor to make that happen.  Dollars, dollars and more dollars.

tiny camper frig
Once the room was built, we had to furnish it, which not surprisingly, cost more dollars.  Did I mention how small the frig in a camper is?  So yes, we had to buy a frig as well.
interior- part of my work space

I can honestly say that the whole project was the most fun I've ever had spending money!

So yes, half of the PLAN has come to fruition.

front deck
Unfortunately, our camp ground closes for the season on October 15th, and phase two of the PLAN involves spending the winter months in a state where the snow does not pile up to over 100 inches a season, as it does in Central New York.  More on that to come....................
